The Learn to Code With Me Blog Articles About Learning to Code

5 Salary Negotiation Tips for Software Engineers

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How do you gain the upper hand at the negotiating table with Google, Facebook, and thousands of other tech companies?

You’re probably more valuable than you think. In this sponsored guest post, Hack Reactor cofounder Shawn Drost explains how to negotiate your salary as a software engineer and walk away happy.

Take it away, Shawn.


A riddle: what’s an opportunity for people to earn tens of thousands of dollars that is almost universally dreaded?

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Why It Won’t Take You 10,000 Hours to Learn to Code

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How long does it take to learn coding? We’ve all heard of the “rule” that says it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert in any field.

Not only might that be intimidating for people just starting out on their coding journey, it also might not be entirely true. In this sponsored guest post, Ken Mazaika, co-founder of The Firehose Project (which has since been bought by acquired by Trilogy Education), explains why you shouldn’t take the 10,000 hour rule so literally.

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Web, Desktop, Mobile, or Cross-Platform: Options for App Developers

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How do you choose the right platform for building your application?

How about all of them? In this sponsored guest post, Geoff Perlman from Xojo makes his case for web, desktop, and mobile apps, as well as how you can develop an app that works across all platforms — AKA cross-platform development.

Here’s Geoff!

If you’re relatively new to the world of development, you may have started learning to code without really thinking about what types of apps you might want to create.

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3 Steps to Creating an Unbreakable Study Routine

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Studying doesn’t come naturally to all of us, and it can be hard to get into the right routine.

But with the right approach, anyone can set themselves up with an unbreakable study routine. In this special guest post, blogger William Kennedy shares his best advice for building a perfect study routine, from creating a plan all the way through to achieving your goals.

Take it away, William!

Do you struggle with finding time to learn?

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The Top 9 WordPress Resources You Should Be Using

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If you’re learning to code, it’s probably just a matter of time until you’ll need to get to grips with WordPress.

But there’s no need to go it alone. In this sponsored post, Robert Mening from shares his top nine WordPress resources that will help level up your skills in 2017, from beginner guides all the way through to advanced development.

Here’s Robert!

Whether you’re learning to code for the first time or you’ve been doing it a while,

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