Want to hop on board a hot new technology? There are plenty of exciting emerging technologies to choose from, which may experience rapid growth in the not-too-distant future.
Navin Reddy mostly works as a corporate trainer, meaning it’s part of his job to understand trends in business and technology.
He also spends time in software development, in particular with Java, and he’s a YouTuber with 355,000 subscribers (his channel is Telusko).
Building off of his Top 5 Technologies in 2018 video, Navin is on the podcast today to discuss seven emerging technologies in tech, what they can be used for, potential roadblocks that still need to be solved, and tips for starting out.
Listen to the episode below.
This episode was transcribed with the help of an AI transcription tool. Please forgive any typos. Laurence Bradford 0:08 Laurence Bradford 0:23 Laurence Bradford 0:45 Laurence Bradford 1:06 Laurence Bradford 1:55 Navin Reddy 1:57 Laurence Bradford 1:58 Navin Reddy 2:07 Laurence Bradford 2:41 Navin Reddy 2:48 Laurence Bradford 3:04 Laurence Bradford 3:06 Laurence Bradford 3:10 Navin Reddy 3:32 Navin Reddy 4:52 Navin Reddy 6:42 Navin Reddy 8:14 Navin Reddy 10:26 Navin Reddy 11:08 Laurence Bradford 11:51 Navin Reddy 12:23 Navin Reddy 13:44 Laurence Bradford 15:14 Navin Reddy 15:57 Navin Reddy 17:30 Laurence Bradford 19:14 Navin Reddy 19:58 Navin Reddy 21:28 Laurence Bradford 21:56 Laurence Bradford 22:02 Laurence Bradford 23:07 Laurence Bradford 24:22 Navin Reddy 25:42 Laurence Bradford 26:57 Navin Reddy 27:11 Navin Reddy 28:26 Navin Reddy 30:03 Laurence Bradford 31:21 Navin Reddy 31:37 Laurence Bradford 32:46 Navin Reddy 33:26 Laurence Bradford 33:38 Navin Reddy 34:51 Navin Reddy 36:10 Navin Reddy 37:07 Navin Reddy 38:11 Laurence Bradford 38:49 Navin Reddy 38:54 Laurence Bradford 39:30 Navin Reddy 39:38 Laurence Bradford 39:44
Hi, and welcome to the Learn to Code With Me podcast. I'm your host, Laurence Bradford. Today we'll be learning all about the top technologies for 2019. That's coming up after a quick word about how you can support the show.
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In today's episode, I talk with Navin Reddy. Navin is a corporate trainer and youtuber with over 10 years of experience in the tech industry. I first discovered him through a YouTube video that he made about the five top technologies for 2018. And I thought it would be great to get him on the show again to talk about emerging technologies for 2019. In this conversation, we look at the top technologies of this year, what's changed since last year, how to keep up to date on the trends, and more. I should point out that we did have some issues with the connection during this interview. The audio editor has worked his magic so it's not too bad, but I just want to give you a heads up on that. Thanks and enjoy the show.
Hey, Navin, thanks so much for coming on the show.
It's my pleasure, Lawrence.
I'm really excited to talk with you today about emerging technologies in 2019. But before we get into that, could you tell us a bit about yourself?
Thanks for that. My name is Devin Verde. I'm mostly a corporate trainer. But I do spend my time in software development as Java is my forte, so I love that language. But then I also work on different technologies. Currently, I'm focusing more on blockchain. Apart from that, I also do work on YouTube as a YouTuber as a passion. And so currently, the channel is growing in a good amount recently, because around three point, like, subscribers, that's what I'm doing now. So in total of experience of 10 years in industry now, mostly as a developer.
Oh, awesome. Yeah, that's actually where we found you was on YouTube, and you have a large following that what's your what's your YouTube name again?
It's Delusko. Yeah, it's actually very difficult to pronounce especially in in my country as well, because it's a very native word for my language. So I'm Telugu. So basically that is because a Telugu word so Telugu word Which people don't understand. So I have to explain them every time so..
How could you spell? Could you just spell it for us real quick?
So it's D-E-L-U-S-K-O.
Okay, cool. We'll definitely include a link to that in the show notes. And also the video that this specific video that I found on YouTube, where you were talking about the Top Five Technologies for 2018. And could we yeah, could you actually go over that real quick? Like, what those five technologies were in this very popular YouTube video for 2018 that you made last year?
Yes. In fact, maybe defend rank this time. So. So top five for me in last year was it was IoT, Cloud Computing, Blockchain, AI and Big Data. But we need to go more in detail about that. IoT is basically Internet of Things. example, let's say you know, nowadays, we have a lot of devices which are connected to each other, especially if we talk about mobile phones and next up, but in future you can expect all the household devices Between us, maybe your ACS, your fridge, or everything will be connected with the with the mobile phone, or the with the internet in general. I don't know if you have seen the new fridge ad from Samsung, you can control all the devices of your house using that fridge. And that's something very exciting because it is giving option to both the both the end for consumer market. It's fascinating to people because they can see magic happening in the world now. And for the developers, they they will begin a lot of options instead of just focusing on cloud, just focusing on in web development, they can actually think about something to do with in also devices now we can ensure developing for websites we can work on how do we handle flakes, how do we handle washing machines, not just that is done not just to household devices, but the office office environment as well.
You can automate everything. You know, once you see no one is then the office automatically all the aces will be off it It can save a lot of energy and other stuff. So basically, you're connecting everything on internet. There will be one or two issues with this. The first issue would be, the number of IP addresses required for each device will be high. Because ipv4 has limitations, ipv6 will be implemented. Let's see how that goes. But the second problem we have is of security. Since the devices which we use nowadays, like mobile phones, laptops, everything has firewall inbuilt. That's not the case with IoT devices. So anyone can hack your devices and using using those devices, they can maybe attack they can attack your personal laptop. So that's one issue with IoT. But again, peep companies are working towards it. So let's see how that goes in that next year. But then for this year, 2018. It was awesome. A lot of companies are moving towards IoT. The second one which is cloud computing, it's not something within New now. You know, Google Amazon, they are working on From last maybe eight to nine years now. But things are changing very fast now, because most of the companies, they were they used to have their own cloud service. In fact, they own the private service. Now they're moving to cloud. And one of the benefits which they get is they don't have to manage their own resources. They don't have to worry about the people to know to manage that. Everything will be handled by these big companies. In fact, Amazon being a market leader in that case, no, it's a market leader. Plus, I'm a big I'm a big fan of Amazon. So it doesn't matter if Amazon in okra in will be crashing next year. But I will always tell using Amazon services, they are amazing in terms of the services they provide.
All my websites and all my applications which I've made addition, the last two years have been deployed on Amazon. So I don't have to worry about any of these services from my side. Now that's about website but then what if you want to have OS the operating system which we use so now what We install our own OS. And that's why we need a heavy hardware. But what if in future, you don't need to install the heavy OS on your wild phone or laptop, everything will be cloud based. And that's where we have Chrome OS. Now. Maybe in future, Microsoft will be focusing on cloud OS, I'm sure they will be doing that with with Assad. But as the future everything will be cloud based, even your software's or this office, which we use on mobile phone, your OS will be cloud based. And that's where cloud computing is heading. There is one drawback with cloud computing the latency issue. But let's see that's that's something people can come up with some solutions. I heard somewhere you know, we have a concept as edge computing now, which will help cloud computing to get more power. But let's see that how that goes. But then this is something which is booming. Next we have is blockchain. In fact, to be honest, last November was the first time when I heard about blockchain. I was not knowing about it. I don't know. Should I sit here by I was not knowing about it. A lot of a lot of people who are into cryptocurrencies they were knowing about blockchain, but I was not into cryptocurrency. So it was not my main focus. But the moment I learned about blockchain basics, then I understood the real power of it.
After that itself in December, January, January 2018, I got so many calls from different companies, you know, especially for banks, they wanted to implement blockchain. They were they were doing some PLCs. So the idea behind Blockchain is, we want to create some database which will be immutable. And no one should be able to change the records. In fact, the it is happening with the banks nowadays, you know, the government officials, they can change the data example, let's say if there's a there's any corruption, government officials have the power to change it. Same goes for when a bank records anyone can hide bank records. We don't want that if the record is there, no one should change it. And that's where blockchain comes into picture. So a lot of banks nowadays they are moving from Then normal database to blockchain database and So, next year it will be booming again a lot of companies they are they want blockchain professionals. So, in fact my that is my thing now, so, I'm going to use blockchain The next one is AI, which is artificial intelligence is not new again, people are talking about this from last last decade, but the only thing is AI is more about a concept than the actual implementation. Yes, things are changing. Now, thanks to machine learning. In fact, if you heard about Sophia we have intelligent machine now which can replace jobs. So a lot of the repetitive tasks which is which was happening is getting replaced by AI now. In fact, there's a concept known as RPA, which is robotic process automation. So all the repetitive job boring jobs has been replaced by AI or this all fezzik in general, we can say, in fact, example it's a if I if I if you say A mail and if I'm not available for that mail, so the normal reply, I can send you, as you know, I'm not available now I will reply you as soon as I come back to work. But that's one way of replying. What if I want to custom customize it? What if I want to make it more, more real? So depend upon from, from where I'm getting the email, what is the email content? I can reply in that way. So when I say I, it's not me, but my virtual assistant.
That's something you can do with machine learning. That's something which is happening now. It's not, which is coming, but it's happening. So everything happened in 2018. Now, so Google is Gmail is optimized. Now. Gmail acts as a mode of AI. I don't know how many people caught that feature. But then Gmail acts like AI now. Now we have Alexa. We have Google Home. You can use those things which are AI basically. So you know, even if you don't know how to use how to play a song on YouTube. Just cool. You know, just connect your google home. You can ask Google Home. Hey, I want To listen to particular music, that's it Google Home, we'll get to Google who will do everything for you. So that's machine learning.
Next one is Big Data, again, as I mentioned, is not something new. But enough from last few years, big data is booming a lot because every company, they want to track their customers, they want to track their activities, like Google, Facebook, they are tracking everything. Not just this companies, all the companies in fact, okay vices by to say big companies or every company want to know their customers, they want to keep the records, they want to keep records about their transactions, the company transactions, and everything will be stored in some huge database. And that's what we have big data. So yeah, that's the that's the that's the technologies which we had in 2018.
Well, thank you for giving that really like thorough recap. I really appreciate it and all those I'm sure those are all technologies that the audience has heard. In one way or another, but maybe not in great detail. So thanks for sharing. I want to actually circle back on one of the things you mentioned. You said that nowadays you're working a lot with blockchain, but you didn't even really know much about blockchain until like November 2017. Could you just share briefly like what you're doing exactly with blockchain and what kind of Yeah, what kind of work you're doing?
Okay. So basically, the thing is, when I when I when I know when I knew about Blockchain, in last year, December or November, we started doing some Bo C's what exactly we can do with blockchain in different fields. So one of the field we came across was banking, but then there are so many companies they already are into finance sector. Now for blockchain. What we are doing is we are doing something for education sector. In blockchain, we have a concept of decentralized applications where instead of having your data on one central server, we can have your data on multiple servers, not just servers, but then multiple devices. So let me just give you an example. Let's say if I want to create a content for education videos, that is education videos can be from one end so I can be myself. So now vendredi is publishing this videos for everyone. But there is one issue with that is only I can do that only I am publishing my videos. There are so many people in the world they want to share their knowledge. To be very specific. Let's say if you talk about one college, there are students in the college they want to share their knowledge with other students. So we are giving option to them that they can record themselves and their videos will be uploaded on the server. But the moment I say they will upload the videos on server, it will be very heavy, no it will be very, what you say memory comes up the memory consumption will be very high because every video goes in GBS.
So we wanted to you know some ways so that we can distribute the memories in some way. So, what we did, we are trying to implement storage j now which is toji is not yet publicly accessible to everyone. But storage is a concept which is Which works on blockchain using which anyone who is installing my software that's a fire it is that software if you install that software on your your mobile phone, so from your phone, some MBs rgbs will be consumed by store j. So, so someone else data will be stored on your phone. And your data will be stored on someone else's phone. So instead of using a central server, we can use your mobile phones for data storage. So we are doing that for storage but when we are also planning to do it for processing personal part, but then that's something we have to figure it out now Should we go for public blockchain applied blockchain? The advantage of public blockchain is you don't have to create your own blockchain but the drawback is for everyday transactions, you have to pay for it you have to pay for transaction fee. And for the private blockchain there a lot of investment which you how to do. So again, as I mentioned, this is so I'm doing we are doing blockchain for the first time We started our work actually from this August, it's been only three months, we are still into PLC, how exactly we can build this stuff. We have not done the actual implementation. But then the design work is done. We are just going to start with implementation.
Got it. Well, thank you. Thanks for elaborating there. I also wanted to ask, so again, in this video, what we just talked about there are these five technologies, has there been anything that has emerged in 2009? Or I'm sorry, over the course of 2018 that people should be aware of in 2019? Or maybe it's something that already existed, but it's like, coming back and it's evolving now, like, like you mentioned a few the examples you gave like big data, you know, Ai, how they've been around for a while cloud computing, but that they just like went through. You know, they're just changing a lot rapidly and it's the landscape is changing for them. Is there anything else beyond those five things?
Oh, there's one or two things which is coming Up, which is you know, so what is what is AR and VR. I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned that in the video, but then ar, ar, AR and VR will be booming in future, maybe because of game development. So AR VR basically means augmented reality and virtual reality. If you heard about that game, Pokemon Go, which was augmented reality, which got very famous Of course and future you can expect more games based on a VR. In fact, we are is also mostly for game as Facebook is working with Oculus Rift, which is a VR for gamers. So in future instead of having normal joystick on your in your hand, you can also use a VR to play games. But then, you know, a lot of people think that we are will be implemented only for games, but then they're not thinking in other sectors. Now since we are more from education sector, so whatever I do, I'm focused more for education. We can also implement We are an AR energy in education as we know The online learning the online training is replacing the classroom training. Right. So people they are focusing more on online training than classroom training. In fact, I should think that way that online learning will be replacing classroom training. But there's only one drawback of online training, which is you cannot connect to the audience very easily. In classroom training, you know your audience, you think you can see them. But that's not the case with online training is just that everything is online, people are watching you, but then there is no real Connect.
That's where we are an AR comes into picture. So what if when I record a video, I will record the video in a different angles. So people can actually sit at one place, they can wear a VR VR device and they can, they can really learn everything, it will look like I'm standing in front of them and talking to them so that it will create a connect to them. So that's something which will boom of course, in fact, it should have been dead in top six technologies. But then since I wanted to go for five I left a RV. But AR VR, which is something which I have not mentioned, the second one is the quantum computing. Again, it's not new companies. I mean, a lot of scientists they are researching on this from last maybe 20 years. The only problem was they were not able to decide how exactly they will implement it. Now Google have done that Google did some research on it, and they are promising. By 2020, they will be launching quantum machines, at least for big companies or enterprise computing. If quantum computers comes into picture, it will give a lot of opportunities to other companies to build some services on it. Maybe, you know, maybe like IBM, IBM is focusing more on cloud services now. So they will surely do something on maybe some cloud based count quantum computing. So that's something we have to look out for. But again, it's something which is very, I mean, people have not tested it. It's just that Google is promising some companies are promising but Again, you have to keep a watch on it. Once it getting famous. You can upgrade ourselves and then you'll be the first one to work on quantum machines. In fact, I haven't excited. But let's see how that goes next year. So that's everything I wanted to mention.
Oh, yeah, yeah. And I really liked the example you talked about with VR, ar, ar and education. Um, I never even really thought about that too much. But it is really exciting to think that you so many, so many folks listening to this podcast, actually, probably everyone listening to the podcast has at least watch YouTube videos on learning to code or take in a online course about learning some kind of technology. Yeah. And the thought that we could be taking courses that are more immersive and kind of like the AR experience where you can really connect with the teacher is quite exciting. But I know you may not have like a solid answer, but like, how long do you think it could take for that something like that to start happening where companies are actually making online courses that are more interactive?
I'm not sure because it's In fact, that is something which I feel bad about the technology, you know, technology is changing all the industries, maybe it is medical industry or bank industry. But no, they're not focusing on education. The only breakthrough we got is Udemy. The only breakthrough we got is pills site and all those online websites. But I feel technology can give a lot to education sector. The only problem is companies are not even investing. I feel this is where different universities throughout the world they should come together and they should start working which is which I can see not happening anywhere. At least the country where I belong to all the area which I which and the colleges which I connect with. Nobody's actually focusing more on technologies to be used in, in education. They're focusing more on classroom training. Yes, they are moving towards online. But again, the same old online training which people are not able to connect. I remember last, you know in the month of September, October I went to one of the companies for a training. So there was a huge gap between my previous training and the recent training. So it was the last training was in January, and the recent training was in October. So I was just talking to the team. And then I asked why, in this few months, you have not qualified training. And they said, you know, when you are good with classroom training, but then we were trying some online training for last few months, and then the feedback from the audience was not good. They liked your classroom training more than the online training.
So people are not able to connect. And that's why I feel companies should a lot of companies should come together to make this all this new. They should use this technology to work with education, but but as I mentioned, I'm not able to see that happening. So that's where we are taking our steps. So that's the one step which we have taken to implement blockchain education. Of course, there should there might be some companies but then they're not doing it fully. So I don't think that that will be happening soon.
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Yeah, digitally interesting thing. But I also when you're chatting about or talking to the universities, I was thinking about MIT OpenCourseWare, which has been available online for a while because I remember when I first started learning to code in like 2012 2013, it was already available. But I haven't gone to the website very much since I know all their MIT curriculum is online. Yeah, but it's so hard to pay attention. Like I tried to go through one of their lectures but it's just like a camera in the back of the classroom, recording the professor and they give you the homework that gives you everything but it's like really hard to be engaged in some ways just watching him for the back of the classroom. It's harder than like, other online courses, the one the one platform that I really like their style. I don't know if you've seen Udacity like some of some of their courses, I haven't gone through all but in one a few I have, they keep very short lectures. So it's like every lectures like 60 seconds or two minutes, and it's very interactive. So it's like you have a quiz, you have another kind of quiz a fill in the blank. So they really keep you engaged. And, and they it's not live, of course, there's no VR or anything like that. But it's just like the way they set up the content. It feels more engaging in like watching a video of Professor standing at a whiteboard or chalkboard, you know, just the camera does even move and it's like an hour long.
Yeah, that's why. In fact, I feel it's very, very important to keep your audience engaged. Because education is something you know, people do. First of all, people don't like to sit at one place and learn. They want to enjoy their life. They want to have a social stuff, but then they wanted to upgrade themselves. That's They are learning stuff. And the moment they go online, they watch, as you mentioned, they have no MIT has around lectures of one hour and one hour, 90 minutes, it's very difficult to pay attention after five to 10 minutes. So that's why it's so in fact, diversity is doing that they are in a lot of other platforms. They're also trying to keep videos short. And then, you know, having quizzes in between, in fact, I tried that with one of my series on YouTube. So recently, we started with the Python series on YouTube, where I tried to make the series more interesting, you know, with some animations with some fun stuff. For example, when I was trying to explain about factorial, which is, you know, which, which can be done with recursion, you know, function calling itself so instead of just defining the code there, so I know, I created my clones. We were six clones of mine, which is calling itself just to engage the audience. That's very important education. So that's good. Udacity is doing that.
Yeah, yeah. I'm switching gears. Little bit here. I wanted to know, How do you stay up to date on like tech trends and emerging technologies? And how are you like collecting all this information?
Okay, for that that's very interesting because I do get this question a lot from different people. This is something which I love, you know, I love to upgrade myself every time yet it is typing and zooming, it is painful. But the moment I have weighed myself to new technology, I feel more confident. And that's where I decide, okay, let's every in every week I should learn something new. But the question is, how would I know what new technology to focus on? And, you know, how do you learn them? So in fact, from from enough from year 2008, itself, I was having this mindset, do something which people are not doing it. If everyone is doing it, don't don't do that. It's of no use. Because if you do it after everyone's done, then you will be the you know, you have to be best at it. But if you do something which people are not doing, then even if you know something, you will be respected. That's where when I started my career in 2010. My main focus was Java because especially the area which I live in, we were everyone was focusing on dotnet. So I went for Java, because it was booming. But if you talk about these technologies now, which is 2018. So what I do I go to some websites one of the website which I follow his TechCrunch, on the verge. these are these are awesome website. There are a lot of other websites as well. But these are the websites where they give you news.
But of course, they will not give you everything in the news, they will just talk about the headlines they will talk about some article does depend upon you you have to interpret everything. Example I know different technologies, right. I know about AI I know about cloud computing, since I'm working on this from last 10 years now. But if you're if you're new to it, of course, if you read an article if they're talking about let's say AI and if you don't know AI, that's where the search starts. So you have to go to Google and search for the terms which they define in that article. So there's they've if they say you know, Bitcoin was on blockchain. Now you might be doing about Bitcoin you don't know about blockchain, just go to Google. certified blockchain, there will be tons of articles. Start with the first article, you don't have to apply rocket science there, you know which article will be helpful. The start with the first article, if it is, if it is something which you like, you know, I feel if the technology is good, there will be some connections which you feel, you know, you can explore it more. We have tons of technologies, of course, not every technology should focus on Otherwise, you will be jack of all, but master of none, you should focus at least on one technology. So, let's say if you if you go to Google and you search for blockchain, if you read about it, if you like it to start continuing that. So the first thing we do is stay updated with the websites like TechCrunch. You can follow some YouTube channels in or just go to YouTube and search for whatever channels you follow. I don't want to recommend anyone as of now, maybe you can follow our channel. So what will happen is when you watch the videos, you will get some ideas. Make sure that you watch At least one video per day. So, in the morning itself, you can do that.
So you can set a time 7am what I will do, I will watch some, I will I will read some news on new technologies or I will watch some videos on YouTube. Once you have done that, once you have cited your technology, what you do, just check out the course. But unfortunately no unfortunately. But whenever you say it's a new technology, of course the courses will not be available. Even if you have the courses those will not be perfect. Even now, if you search for the blockchain courses online, you will not find any course which will teach you stuff very easily. They will try Of course, but then since there is a new technology, it is difficult for them as well to put things in perspective to take their life examples. And that's where you have to keep patients. So when I started learning blockchain it took me four to five months to understand blockchain. But now, if I want to teach to if I want to teach blockchain to someone, I can do that in one month because I know the crux of it. So that's what so initially when you start things, it will take time, maybe three months, four months, you know, Be consistent and stick to the technology. The only problem is the courses are not available, but articles that you can you can connect with people on LinkedIn. So let's say if you choose IoT, just go to LinkedIn and search for people who are working on IoT. Talk to them, of course, they will help you. That's how you upgrade yourself every day. What you have to take a photo is not easy.
Yeah, I want to also ask you like, which new technology fascinates you the most? And maybe you already kind of answered this, because you did share what you were working on a lot the last several months. But But yeah, but if there's anything else?
The second one is, of course, machine learning, which is changing things a lot. In fact, I feel as I mentioned, everything is about education for me. So even if you focus on education, ai or machine learning can do a lot of things which normal colleges can't even do that. In fact, one of the drawback of different colleges is they teach everyone the same perspective right every year. is, of course, right every student is different everyone have their own way of learning, but cautious focus only on their curriculum, they focus on their test system. They're not focusing on people. But we should we can design some curriculum based on AI or machine learning that can help each and every student. So, you know, the course content will be customized based based on students. That's something we can do in machine learning. In fact, that was my MSC research paper, you know, how can we use machine learning for education, but unfortunately, I was not able to do that. So I started working for some company. I was busy with Java, I was busy with cloud services, I was not able to spend some time any time with machine learning. But I'm really excited to do machine learning though. The problem is the time constraint. As I mentioned, you can't do it.
Yeah, I think. Yeah. And I also think, um, well, I mean, that sounds amazing, like having like a, like an online course are online learning that was being tailored to your preferences based on On your learning style or something else, yeah, that would be I don't think anything like that exists that I can think of. or any anything online that is like that maybe maybe there's some programs that will ask you a quiz and you'll give them answers. And then they'll do something a little different for you based on your responses. But it's definitely not like, full blown, you know, customization, depending on the student. But yeah, that sounds that sounds really good.
Like machine learning has the power to do that. The only problem is, again, no one is focusing on it. Maybe it is not something which will drive business to them. As every company is focusing more on business then. Charity so.
Yeah, but what well, I also am thinking though, sure, like education like for the individual, but there's a lot of corporations that you know, what corporate training Hey, you're, you're a corporate trainer, right? Yeah, I feel like training employees could be another use case for like, just having better employee training. If they're doing like online training. That's why I'm Yeah, that could be something but get again and like for a company to invest in that technology like themselves, especially. Was it? Yeah, they're like, yeah, they're like a totally different, you know, they that are out there. They're like an e commerce clothing company. Like they're not going to invest tons of money to do the, you know, ai ml. Yeah. online training. So one final question. Again, a lot of the people who listen to the show are very new to the tech world, they're still, you know, a lot of folks feel overwhelmed or lost, and they're not sure like, what to focus on and what direction to turn in. And obviously, things to technology are always changing and developing and nothing really stays the same for too long. What advice could you share with listeners who feel this way? Like who aren't sure what to do and feel overwhelmed? Yeah, what what knowledge Could you share with them?
Yeah, in fact, another Same thing happens with me when I get confused. I know what to focus on. And, gratefully, I have one mantra, which is Simply go with something which people are not doing. That's one way I do it. But again, I will not recommend to that to everyone because it's risky. Because if no one's doing that, it might be not helpful in future. The other thing you can do you know, so if you have a lot of technologies, of course, you have to choose one you can't do just work on every technology is actually not possible. So as a student or as a learner for the first time, even if you're working for a company, the first thing you can do is select the technology which excites you, let's say there are three or four technology which I which is exciting. I look at their future plus future perspective. Let's say the technology which I talked about IoT, cloud computing, blockchain, AI and big data. These are technology which is not going anywhere at least for next five to six years, they will be in the market. Now again, when I say five to six years people do think you know what after that, don't worry once you want to join a company, once you join any sector, you will upgrade yourself to new technology so it will not just stop loving there. You have to you have to secure your future for next five years. Of course the next five years will define your next 50 years but then just focus on next five years. So these technologies are not going anywhere. You can choose any one and that will walk. The only problem is choose that technology which which, you know fascinates you.
Now, how do you know which fascinates you? There is one thing you can just ask any one example they say if you ask me which technologies I would say blockchain, but then it might not suit you. If you ask someone else, they will say go for machine learning again, it will not suit you. It may not suit you. So in this case, what you do is spend one week so let's say for next five weeks, what you do in this week, choose IoT. The entire week spent two hours daily, I learn about IoT, not just watch videos, but also implemented. Of course, you cannot complete entire IoT in one week. But whatever you can learn in that one week will decide do you want to me Do you want to continue with IoT. So what you do spend one week with IoT next week, only spend your time with cloud computing. After that one week only spend time with blockchain and then in five weeks, you know Something about the technology, the top five technologies, you don't know everything but then you know something.
Now, you know find out some use cases where the which excites you example, let's say for me the use case mostly with education or maybe it really most amount of supply chain management. So think about the use cases and think what are out of these technologies, which you can do in future and you can solve a particular problem. Now, if you feel it's blockchain, then start doing blockchain. If you think it's AI, start doing block, start doing AI. The advantages. After doing this, after doing doing this for five weeks, you will be knowing something about all this technology. So you can say yes, your jack of all this technology. And you can choose one which excites you more and complete and do the entire course on that maybe you can prefer any platform doesn't matter. Maybe you can learn from Udacity you can do offline calls from your institute somewhere. But choose one technology which you want to monitor And don't think that this technology will go away the technology will remain is just that how, how know how much you learn and how much you can implement.
There's one more advantage in future in maybe next three to four years, all these technologies will be coming together. It's something like you know, now nowadays cloud computing is different blockchain is different, but in future everything will be collaborated together. So maybe you will be building an application, which will be IoT based. The database for that IoT will be blockchain, but the services which you learn will be on cloud, and you will also need a big data to store this huge amount of data. So of course, you will be merging the data in future and the advantage you have is you amasa blockchain, but you know, also our technologies. So, that's my mantra. That's what I suggest to my candidates.
Thanks for sharing that finally, where can people find you online?
Okay, so the best place to find me is YouTube as as we talked about my channel name, which is Delusko you can you can find me there. So in fact, every Saturday I go live there to answer your questions. Or the only problem is, you know, we have so many subscribers, so it is not possible to answer each and every one. Otherwise, you can also find me on Facebook so you can search for Delusko on Facebook, and then I'm also there on Instagram. So you know, the off the behind the scenes Delusko or, you know, if I go somewhere I can, if I go for the events, I do upload photos on Instagram. That's the places you can find me.
Awesome. We'll definitely include links to all those in the show notes and any other like resources you mentioned along the way. Thank you again for coming on the show.
Oh, it's my pleasure.
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1. Internet of Things (IoT)
Nowadays, we have a lot of devices which are connected to each other. But laptops, phones, and tablets are just the beginning.
In the future, you can expect internet connectivity to extend to many more of your household devices. Maybe your AC or your fridge will be connected with your mobile phone or the internet. You might be able to control their settings or be notified of required maintenance by an app—who knows?
However, it happens, it’s fascinating for consumers because you get to see the magic happening in real-time. “In 2018, it was awesome. A lot of companies are moving towards IoT,” Navin says.
And from a development standpoint, it’s equally interesting. “Developers will be getting a lot of options,” Navin says. “Instead of just focusing on cloud, just focusing on web development, they can actually think about something to do with household devices.”
Finally, even the planet could stand to benefit from advancements here, as Navin highlights: “Once you see no one is in the office, automatically all the ACs will be off. It will save a lot of energy.”
However, Navin also points out some potential problems that could arise, notably with security. “The devices which we use nowadays, like phones and laptops, have firewalls inbuilt. That’s not the case with IoT devices. So anyone can hack your devices. But the companies are working towards fixing it.”
2. Cloud Computing
While cloud computing isn’t exactly the new kid on the block in tech, it has been moving faster recently when it comes to widespread adoption. “One of the benefits [companies get] is they don’t have to manage their own resources, they don’t have to worry about the people, everything will be handled by these big cloud computing companies,” Navin says.
Operating systems are another area Navin thinks cloud computing could touch in the future. “Nowadays, we install our own OS, and that’s why we need heavy hardware. But what if, in the future, you don’t need to install the heavy OS on your phone or laptop? Everything will be cloud-based. Maybe in the future Microsoft will be focusing on cloud OS.”
Lastly, Navin adds, “There is one drawback with cloud computing—the latency issue. But people can come up with solutions. Let’s see how that goes.”
3. Blockchain
In December 2017 and in January 2018, Navin got many calls from different companies, especially banks, who wanted to implement blockchain, so he devoted time to understanding it and still works with it today to use it within the education industry.
“So the idea behind blockchain is we want to create some database which will be immutable, and no one should be able to change the records,” he explains. “In fact, it is happening with the banks nowadays. Anyone can hack bank records, and government officials have the power to change the data. We don’t want that. If the record is there, no one should change it. And that’s where blockchain comes into the picture. So, a lot of banks nowadays are moving from their normal database to a blockchain database. And next year, it will be booming again.”
4. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
“People have been talking about this one for the last decade,” Navin says. “But things are changing now, thanks to machine learning. In fact, if you heard about Sophia, we have intelligent machines now, which can replace jobs. There’s a concept known as RPA, which is robotic process automation—a lot of repetitive tasks are getting replaced by AI now.” It seems inarguable now why machine learning is the future.
You might not even have noticed, but AI might be in your life already. “Gmail is optimized now and acts as a mode of AI. We have Alexa. We have Google Home. You can use those things which are AI, basically. You can ask Google Home, hey, I want to listen to a particular song. That’s it.”
5. Big Data
Big data is another industry that has been ramping up for a while but really booming in the last few years. “Every company wants to know their customers. They want to keep records about their transactions and activities, and everything is stored in a huge database. That’s why we have big data.”
Professionals are needed to sort through that data and glean actionable insights from it, which is why data science will power the future. After all, what’s the point of a new product or software if people don’t want it?
Learn more about getting into data analysis here.
6. AR and VR
Augmented reality and virtual reality may soon change the future of entertainment. “AR and VR will be booming in the future, maybe because of game development. That game Pokemon Go was augmented reality and got very famous. In the future, you can expect more games based on AR. VR is also mostly for games, as Facebook is working with Oculus Rift, which is a VR for gamers.”
However, gamers aren’t the only group who will find these developments useful. “A lot of people think that VR will be implemented only for games. But they are not thinking in other sectors. We can also implement VR and AR in education. There’s only one drawback of online training over a classroom, which is you cannot connect to your audience very easily.
That’s where VR and AR come into the picture. I could record my training video in different angles. So people can wear a VR device and it will look like I’m standing in front of them and talking to them so that it connects with them.”
7. Quantum Computing
Google has been one of the leaders in researching quantum computing. “And they are promising by 2020, they will be launching quantum machines, at least for big companies, or enterprise computing,” Navin says. “If quantum computers come into the picture, it will give a lot of opportunities to other companies to build some services on it. People have not tested it, but some companies like Google are promising it.”
So, how to keep yourself updated and get involved with emerging technologies like this? “The first thing is to stay updated with the websites like TechCrunch,” Navin says. “Follow some YouTube channels, watch the videos, get some ideas, connect with others working on that tech.”
Struggling to narrow down what to focus on? “Look at the future perspective,” Navin says. “The technology which I talked about—IoT, cloud computing, Blockchain, AI, and big data—is not going anywhere, at least for the next five to six years. So choose the technology which fascinates you.”
“Now, how do you know which one fascinates you? Spend one week with each technology. Choose IoT the entire week, spend two hours daily and learn about IoT. From that one week, you can decide if want to continue. Think about some use cases which excite you—what problems you could solve with it in the future.”
Links and mentions from the episode:
- Telusko on YouTube
- Telusko on Facebook
- Telusko on Instagram
- Top five technologies for 2018
- Udemy
- Pluralsight
- MIT’s open courseware
- Udacity
- Navin’s Python series
- The Verge
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