The Learn to Code With Me Blog Articles About Learning to Code

What Is Functional Programming? Benefits, Uses, & Languages

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What is functional programming? It’s a type of programming paradigm—meaning a way of thinking about and organizing code to solve problems.

Different programming paradigms are based on different concepts, principles, and practices about the best way to code for different projects.

Functional programming paradigms are based on the concept of functions as the primary building blocks of programs.

Functional programming focuses on creating pure functions that take inputs, process them, and return outputs without modifying the original data.

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What Is Wireframing? Everything You Need to Know

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What is wireframing in design and why is it useful for building websites or apps?

In web design, wireframing is like a blueprint for a website. UX/UI wireframing is also used to help build software and mobile apps

Essentially, a website wireframe is a rough sketch/visual guide that establishes the structure and flow of a site (or app), but in skeletal form.

They aren’t super detailed, but there’s still complexity to them.

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What Does a Software Engineer Do?

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You’ve probably heard of software engineering, especially in the context of high-paying careers… but exactly what does a software engineer do?

Software engineers design, build, and test software, of course, but there’s much more to it than that.

If you’ve looked at software engineer job requirements on various online job listings, you might be overwhelmed since no two job posts are really alike. 🤔

Plus, you might see different titles in the mix—is there a difference between “software developer” and “software engineer” jobs!?

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What Is Rubber Duck Debugging? (Why Every Dev Should Have a Duck)

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You might have seen programmers keeping rubber ducks on their desks. (See if you can spot the one in this tweet, for example!) But what on earth is the connection between a rubber duck and programming?

Well, it’s all thanks to a concept called the rubber duck debugging method, or rubber duck programming.

Many coders keep a rubber duck toy on their desk as a reminder to talk through things and simplify problems.

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Why Tech Jobs Are a Natural Fit for Teachers—Overcoming 7 Career Change Fears

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Are you a teacher who’s considering transitioning from teaching to another career? You’re far from alone.

Since the pandemic, the number of teachers changing careers (or planning to) has risen dramatically: over half (55%) of National Education Association (NEA) members report that they’re planning on transitioning out of teaching sooner than they originally planned. 

Among all the possible industries and jobs teachers can switch to, tech stands out for many reasons. Tech jobs offer teachers a fulfilling,

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