The Learn to Code With Me Advice Column

Are There Any Online Coding Scholarships?


I’m seeking for online scholarship courses for coding. Are there any good websites where I can look for scholarships? What about learning for free online?


Hey Bhandari,

Great question. Unfortunately unlike college scholarships, there are not many scholarships for online coding courses and/or bootcamps. (At least not yet, anyway.)

Moreover, most of the scholarships available are for women and others underrepresented in tech.

A few coding scholarship options:

  1. Coding Bootcamp Scholarships for Women: This article covers all the scholarships available for women at coding bootcamps. Some offer more assistance than others. Note: all of the scholarships on this list are for in-person programs.
  2. Programming Bootcamp Scholarships: The Definitive List: A comprehensive list put together by CourseReport. This includes all kinds of scholarships—not just women-only. It also includes in-person and online bootcamps.
  3. One Month: One Month is a relatively affordable online learning platform that has special scholarships for women. Learn more here about their scholarships.

If there is a particular course/program you want to take, and it’s out of your price range, I suggest:

  1. Googling the name of the course + the word “scholarship”
  2. If no results appear, email the program directly and ask if they offer any kind of financial assistance

You never know until you ask!

Free Places to Learn to Code Online

As far as free places where you can learn to code, here is a comprehensive list I put together recently on the Learn to Code With Me blog.

The post is really long. 

So, here is a shortened list of a few of my favorites:

Hope this helps and good luck learning :)

DISCLAIMER: Thoughts and opinions expressed above are my own. Any recommendatons and/or how-to information is intended to be helpful. Also, please note that some of the links are affiliate links. Continue here to learn more about affiliate marketing on

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